Take a look at some of the newsworthy items for the VIP program.

Another 16 Transitioning Military Members Graduate from the UA VIP Program

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For many members of the military, transitioning back into civilian life and finding meaningful, permanent employment can be difficult. While unemployment numbers have fallen, the number of unemployed veterans is consistently higher than the national average.Fort Carson Class 8.jpg

To ease the transition back into civilian life, the United Association (UA) established the Veterans in Piping (VIP) Program to equip military service members preparing to leave the service with sought after skills that can lead to lifelong careers in the increasingly in-demand pipe trades. Through 18-week accelerated courses, participants earn industry-recognized certifications and direct entry into stable private-sector jobs with good pay and benefit.

In addition to veteran unemployment, the UA VIP Program was created to address a growing shortage in the construction industry of skilled workers due to the combined effects of an aging workforce, increased demand, and a lack of skills training for youth.

On November 17th, sixteen military members at Fort Carson completed the UA VIP Program.  This was the eighth class to graduate from Fort Carson.  There was no formal ceremony, but military members did hear from the instructors who taught them the trade, Aaron Schultz and Bowie Gregg, who wished them well. 

Now, completion certificates in hand, the Fort Carson graduates will begin their journey of apprenticeship and new careers in the pipefitting industry.