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Army Spc. lands promising welding career thanks to UA VIP

UA VIP | News | Army Spc. lands promising welding career thanks to UA VIP

Army Spc. William Northrop joined the United Association (UA) Veterans In Piping (VIP) Program because he was ready to prepare for his future after his time in the service. 

Northrop has been a journeyman with Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 189 in Columbus, Ohio, since 2018. Local 189 was recommended to him by the UA VIP program when he first graduated, and he has never looked back. 

Northdrop is proud of his time in the UA VIP program and owes his current success to everything the program taught him. 

“When I was told about the program, it almost seemed too good to be true. Promised job placement after doing a program in which the military would pay you to take part.” Northrop said. “They could place you anywhere in the country that you wanted to go. Seemed unreal, but worth it if even some of what they promised was true. Everything that was said would happen. Happened.”

In 2013, Northrop started his UA VIP training in Class 1 at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Over the course of 18 weeks, he trained alongside experienced journeyman instructors. His training was a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training. He gained welding skills and earned industry-recognized certifications.

Northrop knew his transition back to civilian life wouldn’t be the easiest thing he’s ever done, but thanks to the UA VIP program it was a much smoother than expected. 

“To be honest, the process of going from a military life back to a civilian job was quite eye-opening. After four years of being told what to do, where to be and how to do things, it was easy to be an apprentice,” he said. “You naturally gave respect to those in charge of you, (and) being on time and ready to work all hours was also something I can credit was instilled in the military.” 

The UA VIP program offers training in welding, HVACR, and fire suppression at select military installations across the country. Transitioning active-duty service members are eligible to apply to the UA VIP program during their last six months of enlistment. 

What the UA VIP Program can offer you 


Once UA VIP Program graduates transition out the military and enter a UA-registered apprenticeship program, they will start earning good union wages and quickly be eligible for quality healthcare for themselves and their families. Students will begin earning a pension and a 401K for their retirement. As they progress through the program, they’ll earn pay increases to complement their increased skills and knowledge. 

Northrop offered a bit of advice to future UA VIP program applicants.

“Sign up, pay attention and learn,” he said. “This could be your last time in school and your last job. You will end up with a career that will always be looking for good workers. Also, do your research on the Local you choose.” 

Northrop would recommend the UA VIP program to any transitioning active-duty service member interested in a good paying civilian career in the pipe trades. Learn more information about the UA VIP program here


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