Take a look at some of the newsworthy items for the VIP program.

Camp Lejeune Welding Class 24 grads are ready for post-military careers

At the beginning of November, the students in Camp Lejeune Welding Class 24 graduated from the United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) program. 

In the coming months, these graduates will begin their new civilian careers as they begin their DOL-registered UA apprenticeship.

The UA VIP program was specifically created to assist active military members in their last six months of service as they prepare for a civilian career through DOD Skillbridge training in the pipe trades.

Throughout the program, students learned about the fundamentals of welding through both hands-on training and classroom instruction. 

Earning certifications that can include oxy-fuel cutting, SPAW and GTAW pipe welding, SMAW pipe spooling and SMAW plate welding, the students in Class 24 have been set up for a successful career in the pipe trades. 

After graduating, students will know how to properly install, maintain and repair different types of piping systems. They will also be able to join structural steel brackets and supports for these systems. 

After transitioning out of the military, graduates will relocate to a UA Local at an agreed-upon location in the U.S.

Upon successfully completing the five-year UA apprenticeship, graduates will officially become journeymen welders. After becoming a journeyman, tradesmen will find ample opportunities to advance their careers. 

Those interested in joining the UA VIP program can choose between welding, HVACR or fire suppression at one of the seven following bases:

Guaranteed employment and good pay 

Throughout their UA apprenticeship training, the UA VIP graduates will receive a competitive union wage while mastering their skills in the trade. They will become eligible for comprehensive healthcare coverage for both themselves and their families. 

Additionally, they will accrue pension benefits and contribute to a 401K for their retirement, with the added incentive of receiving raises as they advance through the apprenticeship.

After becoming journeymen, students will have many different options for the next step in their careers. Some will work for UA signatory contractors, start their own businesses, work as superintendents or become UA VIP instructors themselves. 

Apply for the UA VIP program at Camp Lejeune. 
