Take a look at some of the newsworthy items for the VIP program.

Camp Pendleton Welding Class 31 set to begin


The United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) Program Camp Pendleton Welding Class 31 has begun, as 16 active-duty transitioning military service members begin to learn basic welding skills.

For the Welding Class 31 participants, the final months of their military service will be used to develop skills, which will allow them to have a successful civilian career with a UA signatory contractor almost anywhere in the U.S.

UA VIP is a free, 18-week accelerated Skillbridge training program open to all active-duty transitioning military service members. The program provides participants basic piping trades education and hands-on training. The skills participants gain through UA VIP training ultimately alleviates the stress of searching for a career after leaving the military through guaranteed employment, which will pay them livable wages, excellent health insurance, a 401k plan and a pension.

Camp Pendleton - Class 31

Upon successful completion of the UA VIP Program and transition out of the military, UA VIP graduates will also gain direct entry into the UA’s five-year registered apprenticeship program. As an apprentice, they will further their piping industry skills and work toward becoming a UA journeyman. As they progress through their apprenticeship, they will receive hourly wage increases, reflective of their new skillset.

The UA is proud to provide free career skills training through the UA VIP Program to the men and women who have served our country and are now ready to begin the next phase of their lives. For the 16 students of Camp Pendleton Welding Class 31, they are about to embark on a journey that will reshape their lives and allow them to take care of their families.

Camp Pendleton UA VIP Lead Welding instructor Sean Ellis is excited for the members of Welding Class 31.

Camp Pendleton - Class 31

“I’m looking forward to this class,” he said. “I’m expecting big things from these students.”

In the coming weeks, students will earn important OSHA safety certifications and then take the initial steps toward earning UA welding certifications, which they will eventually put to work on the jobsite.

If you want to learn more about the program at Camp Pendleton, click here.

