Take a look at some of the newsworthy items for the VIP program.

Fort Carson Welding Class 21 begins career journey by learning to weld

Fort Carson Welding Class 21 begins career journey by learning to weld

Members of Welding Class 21 at Fort Carson will soon hold a welding torch in their hands as they learn the fundamentals of welding and safety as part of the United Association’s Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) program.

The UA VIP Program is a Career Skills Program (CSP) program for transitioning members of the military.

The nine-member class, including eight men and one woman, will work alongside an experienced journeyman instructor through a combination of class and lab instruction. Many have little to no prior welding experience, but will learn basic skills to begin a career welding in the construction trades.

The 18-week free training course is an accelerated welder training program for active-duty transitioning service members. The United Association’s Veterans in Piping program is designed to equip transitioning members of the military with a viable skill in the trades to ease the transition to civilian life.

The UA VIP program was created through an act of Congress to address a growing shortage of skilled workers in the construction industry. In their last few months of military service, participants enter the DOD Skillbridge program and learn to weld. They earn industry-recognized certifications and gain direct entry into solid private-sector jobs with good pay and benefits.


Guaranteed pay, excellent benefits

Upon leaving the military, VIP graduates join a UA union at an agreed upon location. They enter a UA registered apprenticeship program, earning good wages while they learn and 401K retirement benefits. They quickly become eligible for quality healthcare for themselves and their family. Pay increases as they progress through the program. They complete the program without incurring student debt.

Students are selected through an interview process. Download the application here.

Similar VIP programs are taking place at select military bases across the country. Want to learn more? Click here.

Ready for the opportunity of a lifetime? Apply today!


Download Fort Carson VIP Program Application Now!
