Take a look at some of the newsworthy items for the VIP program.

UA VIP Fort Campbell fire suppression students begin career training

UA VIP Fort Campbell fire suppression students begin career training

The students who began their United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) training in Fort Campbell Fire Suppression Class 10 are laying the foundation of a good-paying civilian career that can potentially save lives.

The UA VIP program is a Career Skills Program (CSP) that provides transitioning active-duty service members with a guaranteed job after they get out of the military through a UA registered apprenticeship program. The program provides free training for a lucrative career that’s great for supporting a family and building a retirement.

For 18 weeks, the students will train alongside an experienced journeyman through classroom instruction and hands-on training. They will learn how to install, inspect, repair and test automatic fire suppression systems in all types of structures.

Many of the students will earn certifications in threading and grooving, system riser valve training, CPVC installation, rigging and signaling and soldering and brazing.

Transitioning active-duty service members are invited to apply to the UA VIP program during their last six months of enlistment. Training takes place while the students are still in the military and is considered part of their military commitment. UA VIP training is available in welding, HVAC and fire suppression at select military bases across the country.


A path to a lucrative career

Once the students complete their UA VIP training and transition out of the military, they will begin a UA registered apprenticeship program at an agreed-upon location. The students will earn good union wages while they train and quickly qualify for quality health insurance for their family. They will begin earning a pension and a 401K for retirement. Their pay will steadily increase as they progress through the program.

Once they complete their apprenticeship, they will become journeymen with numerous opportunities for career advancement. Some will eventually become supervisors or foremen. Others will own their own businesses. Some will become certified instructors, perhaps even in the UA VIP program.

 Download Fort Campbell VIP Fire Suppression Program Application Now!
