Before they started, some members of Fort Campbell Welding Class 17 had never held a welding torch. Yet in just 18 weeks, they will learn basic welding skills and earn industry recognized certifications to jumpstart their upcoming move to civilian careers.
The United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) Fort Campbell Welding Class 17 has just begun. The eight students will learn from an experienced instructor through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training. It is all in preparation to start a UA apprenticeship after they transition out of the military. Each graduate is guaranteed a civilian job starting with a union apprenticeship at an agreed upon location.
Members of the military are eligible to apply for the UA VIP Program during their last 18 months of service. There are nine training programs at seven select military bases across the country. Provided free of charge, training is available in welding, fire sprinkler fitting and heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration repair.
Participants gain guaranteed job placement after the military
Upon entering a UA apprenticeship, UA VIP graduates begin earning union wages with steady pay raises as they progress through the program. They quickly become eligible for quality healthcare for their families and themselves, and they start building a pension and a 401K for their retirement.
Once they complete their apprenticeship, they become journeymen with numerous possibilities for further career progression.
The UA VIP Program is designed to equip transitioning active-duty service members with viable pipe trades skills to ease the transition to civilian life. Graduates begin good paying careers in the construction industry with high job demand and great benefits.
Participants are accepted into the program through an interview process. To apply, download an application here.