It’s a new day for the students in United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) Fort Carson
Welding Class 23.
The students began learning key skills in preparation for civilian careers in the pipe trades after
they transition out of the military. The UA VIP program is a Career Skills Program (CSP) for
transitioning active-duty service members.
Over the course of 18 weeks, the students will train alongside an experienced journeyman
instructor through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience. They will
learn basic skills as well as earn industry recognized certifications that propel their
The students will learn oxy fuel cutting, SMAW plate welding, SPAW and GTAW pipe welding
and SMAW pipe spooling.
Training takes place during the last few months of a student’s enlistment period. Transitioning
active-duty service members are eligible to apply to the UA VIP program during their last 18
months of service commitment. Training is available in welding, HVACR and fire sprinkler fitting
at select military bases across the country.
H2: Guaranteed job placement through a UA apprenticeship
The students are training in preparation for a UA registered apprenticeship at an agreed upon
location, once they complete the UA VIP program and transition out of the military. The UA VIP
program provides guaranteed job placement.
During their apprenticeship, the students will earn good union pay and quickly become eligible
for quality healthcare for their families. They will start contributing to a pension and a 401K for
their retirement. They will earn pay raises as they progress through the program and expand
their skills.
Upon completing their apprenticeship, the students will become journeymen with numerous
opportunities for career advancement.
Learn more about the welding opportunities available through the UA VIP program at Fort