Take a look at some of the newsworthy items for the VIP program.

VIP Graduate Sergeant Council now 5th year apprentice

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Making the transition from an active-duty military service member back to civilian life can be challenging for some members of the armed forces, especially when it comes to searching for a job.

Travis Council tack welding steel frameFor members of the United Association Veterans in Piping program, the challenge is learning a new skillset in 18 weeks that will be used at a guaranteed job in the piping industry after transitioning out of the military.

The UA VIP program is a free 18-week accelerated career skills training program designed to provide participants a direct pathway to a career in the piping industry.

Travis Council, a fifth-year apprentice and UA VIP Program graduate, heard about how the Veterans in Piping program helps ease the stress as service members exit the military. Sergeant Council decided he wanted to join the Fort Hood UA VIP Program and prepare for a career once he transitioned out of the service and back into civilian life.


During his time in the UA VIP program, he learned how to weld and improved his math skills, which plays a big role in his new trade.

Following his successful transition out of the military, Council became an UA apprentice, which ultimately allowed him to go back to college to become a virtual designer.

“I could not have asked for a better opportunity than the one the UA VIP program has given me, and my path has just begun,” Council said. “The sky is indeed the limit.”

He is currently a member of UA Local 142 in San Antonio and is set to top out this year as a journeyman. Currently, Council works for Brandt Companies doing virtual design.

“It is all that you put into it,” Council said of the UA VIP Program. “Over time, your dedication, sacrifices, and determination that the military instilled in you will surely make you shine over everyone around you.”

Council is one of the many UA VIP graduates who have successfully transitioned out of the military and into a rewarding career thanks to the free career skills training provided by the UA VIP program.

To learn more about the UA VIP program and participating bases, visit here.

A panoramic view of the Brandt Fab Shop
