On July 9, three United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) graduates joined dozens of other unions at the White House in support of the Union Veterans Council’s (UVC’s) “Forge Ahead: Veterans Building America’s Future with Unions” initiative. This initiative continues to pave the way for veterans transitioning from the military by ensuring they have access to life-sustaining jobs and comprehensive support so they can be successful in civilian life.
This meeting at the White House was the first of its kind and highlighted the critical role of union veterans in projects made possible by the Biden administration’s pro-worker and pro-labor policies and legislation.
UA VIP graduates, Nastassia Leggett, Rachel LaBlance and Sean Keoni Ellis, were honored to participate in this event that showcased the labor movement’s unwavering commitment to the men and women who have served this country. They had the opportunity to hear from multiple agencies and engage in direct dialogue with senior administration staff, including VA Secretary Denis McDonough.
Camp Lejeune VIP welding instructor and UA Local 101 member, Rachel LaBlance felt the meeting was beneficial.
“I am so honored and privileged to have this opportunity to share a little part of my story of what the UA and VIP has done for me and many other veterans,” LaBlance said. “The UA has so much to offer to our veterans and it’s something other unions should strive to emulate.”
This historic event confirmed that the over 1 million union veterans within the labor movement have a significant voice and a place at the table, directly through the Union Veterans Council.
Naval Station Norfolk VIP HVACR instructor and UA Local 110 member, Nastassia Leggett felt honored to have been invited to the White House and thought the meeting was beneficial.
“Getting the chance to come together to discuss veteran issues from veterans was highly inspirational and powerful,” she said. “It was an honor to be there, representing the UA.”
For many attendees, this was the first time they felt truly heard as a collective group.
At the meeting, attendees discussed various aspects of veteran employment with different members of the Biden Administration, focusing on the successes and challenges faced by veterans when they transition out of military service.
Some of the topics included were veteran resources, benefits, mental health, health care, jobs and the process of transitioning out of the service.
Sean Ellis shared his personal story during the meeting and explained that because UA VIP offers free training, he was able to graduate and start a fulfilling, good-paying civilian career.
Ellis is thankful for the UA VIP program and the opportunities it has given him. He transitioned from the military in 2010, not knowing what he wanted to do with his life, and thanks to the UA VIP program, he is now the Political Director and Organizer for UA Local 230.
“It was an honor to represent the UA and VIP as a former graduate and instructor of the program and Local Organizer, it was great to see a White House administration so focused on helping veterans transition back into the workforce,” Ellis said.
He hopes that after this meeting, there will be more hearings in the Senate and the House to find more ways to help veterans find good jobs that pay a living wage.
Union veterans and representatives left the meeting feeling empowered by their ability to help shape policy and advocate at the highest level of government.