The UA VIP Program offers transitioning members of the armed forces one of the most basic, but important opportunities a person can ask for in life – the ability to support one’s family.
For Fort Campbell member Chis Landis, this was the main reason he applied to the free career-training program.

“I don’t have to worry about not having a career or job, and no longer have the worries of not being able to support my family financially,” said Landis.
Landis learned about the program last year when doing research during a deployment. He applied to the program, interviewed and became of member of Fort Campbell Welding Class Seven.
“It sounded like a great opportunity for me and my family and I’m glad I made the choice,” Landis said.
He called the class perfect for someone new to welding.
“I like that the instructors really take the time to explain welding procedures, how the union works and how they give one-on-one time to students who need help, no matter what it is,” said Landis.
Armed with the basic knowledge of welding, Landis is eager for the next stage in his life, when he will join a UA Local as an apprentice and begin working with a contactor.
The skills gained through the UA VIP Program will lead him to a stable career and help him provide for his family. In addition being able to support his family, Landis also wants to show the UA they made the right choice in choosing him to participate in the program by working hard and learning quickly.
“My expectations are to continue learning about welding and the pipefitting trade,” said Landis. “I expect to work hard, knowing that it is rewarding and that I will enjoy the work that I do.”
For his fellow Fort Campbell service members who are thinking about leaving the service, Landis recommends they look into the UA VIP Program.
Eight participating UA VIP bases throughout the country offer men and women like Landis the prospect of a rewarding career in the Pipe Trades following completion of their military service.
Military members are Fort Campbell who are within a year of leaving the service can get more information about the UA VIP Program by clicking here.