b"Jason Smithgoing to get this, and then I found out I got in,night and sleep in my bed, and I get to see myWhere else are you and I swear, I felt it was meant to be.wife and kidsyeah, Im happy every day.Jose added, I think the VIP program is a Once Jose turned out as a journeyman, hegoing to have thetremendous transition for soldiers. It helps youknew he wanted to teach. He had been leading get started in the civilian world. I retired inand mentoring individuals since 1997. The fol- opportunity to start2016, and I still have strong military tendencies.lowing school year, Jose taught the apprentices I see eye-to-eye with soldiers because theywelding at night. He told Local 58 Trainingat $18 an hour, get an know where Im coming from. Coordinator Alberto Beto Herrera that heWhen I graduated from the program, Iwanted to be a VIP instructor. The opportunityannual raise, have wanted to stay in Colorado Springs, so I joinedarose, and Jose has been teaching the VIP pro-Plumbers, Pipefitters, and HVACR Servicegram for nearly one year, and for him, this hasyour medical paid for, Technicians Local 58. What is so great aboutturned out to be his dream job.can begin saving this program is you have input in where you Jose concluded by saying, What I tell folks would like to go. I had great journeymen whowho are interested in the VIP program is, wheremoney with yourmentored me. They made me who I am today. Iare you going to find a program that trains you once had an apprentice who was working aboveto be a highly skilled craftsperson and you dontlocal unions annuity me, and every day, he kept poking the bear. Hehave to spend thousands of dollars for that train-once said, Jose, dont you ever get mad? Youreing. Where else are you going to have the oppor- program, and havealways happy, and I said, Yeah, I'm happy. Itunity to start at $18 an hour, get an annual raise, woke up today. I come to a job at which no onehave your medical paid for, can begin savinga pension? is trying to kill me. No one is treating me likemoney with your local unions annuity program, crap. No one is looking down on me becauseand have a pension? There are no downsides to they dont understand what we do in the Army,this career. The only thing you have to Jose Ballejowhether they support us or not. I go home everydo is complete your apprenticeship.10 opsCAREER"